CS151 - Logging into Computer Science Server

  • Due No due date
  • Points 3
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Auto-graded questions to confirm that you are able to login to the computer science server. Depending on your operating system you may have needed to install a terminal program to be able to login. Information on this is at the following page: Linux System Setup - Terminal Program. You should also complete the quizzes on the Linux terminal and Linux system information before taking the present quiz.

To login to the server you will need a login and password. You should notify Jeff Kinne, jkinne@indstate.edu, when you have 100% on all previous quizzes and are ready to take this one. We will setup an account for you. The login will be cs001xy where xy are some digits, different for everyone (e.g., cs00101, cs00102, etc.).  The password is set to be a random string.  Jeff will reply with your username and password when you write to ask for it.

Note: in fixed width fonts that are normally used when programming and in the Linux terminal, the letter l and the number 1 can sometimes look very close to each other.  If you copy and paste it is safer in terms of not mixing up l's and 1's.

Note: when you login to the server for the first time, it will ask for your password twice (use the one sent to you with your login). It also will ask for your name, office, phone number, etc.; put your name in but leave the other fields blank.

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes